Sunday, September 17, 2006

خبر حلو

أحلى خبر سمعته أثناء سفرة العمل هذه إلى البرتغال

عودة حبيبنا الدكتور أحمد الربعي إلى الكويت سالما

وأسوأ ما في ذلك أنني لم أكن مع المستقبلين كي نحمله على أكتافنا فهذا أقل ما نستطيع فعله لهذا الرجل العظيم

بو قتيبة: الحمد لله على سلامتك
تو ما نورت الكويت

Friday, September 08, 2006

ذهب الليل... طلع الفجر

Happy 2nd Birthday Beedo (9/9/2006)

My niece's first school days

Did you ever wonder how kids feel on their first day(s) at school? Can you imagine what might they be thinking when sitting in a class and the teacher is speaking about something that is too boring for them?

Do you remember your first school days? i remember i loved going to school and making new friends (most of my friends were teachers not kids). I even went visiting some teachers at home, they used to take me with them, i guess i was adorable (blush). The thing is i don't remember how my daughter (an only child of mine) felt when i first took her to school!!! she was only 9 months and she went to a nursary in Scotland, as i was a student there (how bad can mothers be, huh?)

So, what was your worst day ever at school? Answers are valid for any school level...

Yasmeen's First School Days