Robert Burn's Cottage (Ayr) - Niagara Falls (USA) - The Portuguese Discoveris Monument (Lisbon) - Nardini's Ice Cream (Largs) - Musee dÓrsay (Paris) - Dead Sea (Jordan) - Hotel de Bains (Lido - Venice) - Yolk (Chicago) - Modern Art Museum (Salzburg) - Pharao's Tombs (Luxor) - First Diving Experience (Mykonos) - Central Park (NY) - Ice Caves (Salzburg) - Flamingo Cave (Granada) - Orxata at Science Museum (Valencia) - Susan & Michael's Wedding (Paisley) - Zorba Dancers (Athens) - Colloseum (Rome) - Forbes Place (Paisley) - Firenze (Italy) - Stevie Wonder at Millenium Park (Chicago) - Frida Kahlo's (Berlin) - Gibran (Lebanon) - Stirling Castle (Scotland) - Amal & Bassim's Wedding (Egypt) - Jordan Lake (North Carolina) - Swimming in Red Sea (Hurgada)...
I can go on forever.... I love my memories
“You know that pain, guilt and memories can’t be dispelled with the wave of magic wand. They are things we carry with us the things that make us who we are .If we lose them, we lose ourselves. I do not want my pain taken way. I don’t want to forget … I need my Pan”
Captain of the star ship Enterprise Kirk . When he was offered to be brainwashed to get rid of his memories
*I need my Pain
Hi, Can anybody translate this blog for me? Is this german?
[url=]cennik pozycjonowania[/url]
PS. Sorry off topic ;)
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